“A funny thing happened on the way to Christmas”…….

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all my followers (and those I follow) a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. It’s been a pleasure blogging with you…..I have truly enjoyed our repartee with each other. I created this little ditty last year in hopes it would serve as an annual Christmas post. No need to comment again, just enjoy the read.

(Again, with apologies to Clement Moore)

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the “sphere
Not a blogger was stirring, not a click could you hear.
Their computers all silent, their publishing done
No comments got posted, not one single one.

WordPress fanatics were all snug in their beds
While visions of “Freshly Pressed” danced in their heads.
But all warm in his jammies, his nightcap amiss
Big Al was up pacing and waiting for Kris.

Kris Kringle himself was now flying about
And Al knew that his house was soon on the route
He wanted to leave something different for him
Since with cookies and milk he’d be filled to the brim.

Big Al was determined to outdo the rest
So he thought and he thought “what would Santa like best?”
He wanted his gift to be something unique
Then it hit him and soon he let out with a shriek…

“I’ll leave him a blog, he’ll love it, I’m sure!
He’ll laugh when he reads it, then finish his tour!”
He wanted it special, as would any good host
But he kept getting sleepy, ere he worked on his post.

So before he wrote much, he started to doze
And went out like a light from his head to his toes.
He slumped in the chair, not hearing a sound
Not hearing the bells as they circled around.

Santa’s sleigh and his reindeer, came up in a hurry
The sleepy-eyed blogger unaware of the flurry.
Then Santa bounced in and to his surprise
There sat Al benumbed, unable to rise.

So he brushed off his boots and he put down his pouch
And helped the worn blogger get onto the couch.
With Al nestled in, still sawing those Zs
Santa sat himself down, now completely at ease.

Then morning soon broke, with the rays of the sun
Awakening Al, now his restful night done.
When he saw his computer, he remembered his task
“Why didn’t I finish?” was all he could ask.

With much disappointment he went to the screen
Getting ready with sadness to wipe it all clean.
When all of a sudden he noticed below
That something was written that he didn’t know.

He wondered aloud “who could this have been?”
Then he looked at each line and broke out in a grin.
His smile grew larger with every mouse click
For now he was sure that it came from St. Nick.

“Don’t worry dear blogger, your effort was great
I know in my heart that your writing’s first-rate.
Just because you got tired, don’t feel that you failed
I know that your blogs will all henceforth be hailed.”

“So stay at that keyboard and on my behalf
Keep posting those blogs that make everyone laugh.
And pass on the message I leave here tonight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

Al Hood – December 2011

18 thoughts on ““A funny thing happened on the way to Christmas”…….

  1. Pingback: The Vesatile Blogger and Blog of the Year 2012, Merry Christmas to Me! | MikesFilmTalk

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