Daily Prompt: Write a review of your life….as if it were a movie or a book.

Keeping in mind that this is just a rough draft, here goes:

He was a beautiful baby boy. People had even used the “second coming” comparison, but then folks in those parts had always been prone to hyperbole. As events would later confirm, they weren’t that far off.

His childhood was less a learning experience for him than a teaching experience to others. Always on the precocious side, his playmates found good fortune in his ability to make those around him better. As adolescence and young adulthood passed, his list of accomplishments grew and not a dissenting voice could be heard when anyone proclaimed genius dwelt within his soul.

Never one to desire the public eye, he was quick to let others take credit for his many discoveries and inventions. It didn’t matter the field, architecture, science, economics, they flocked the world over to seek out his counsel. And he willingly gave it, asking nothing more in return than the satisfaction that came with the betterment of civilization.

As he coalesced into his later years and retirement, he continued to reach out to touch the masses through his thought-provoking yet always droll postings on WordPress. Asked often about what legacy he felt he had left, he modestly replied, “an individual life well-lived by dedication to the profit of others.”

Fortunately, the prompt did not specifically say it could not be a work of fiction.

19 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Write a review of your life….as if it were a movie or a book.

  1. Al, you forgot the part about walking on water, then turning that water into really great Australian wine and having a party where you entertain the masses with your wit and wisdom (without a microphone because everyone waits quietly to hear everything you have to say, knowing it will enrich their lives beyond all measure). In fact, you became the spiritual adviser to all religious leaders and chief comedy writer for, well, all the comedians. What gives? Oh, yeah. This was just a rough draft… 😉

      • Within a few short weeks you have convinced my auntie that you are indeed my dads twin, and hence her long lost brother….. I think you could add a chapter or two at least about your emotional reunion & the de-un-dis-entanglement of your separation at birth (by about 3 months) and your treacherous traverse of the Atlantic Ocean in the handbag of a maidservant to an Austrian princess…….

    • You find it surprising that Ben would choose me to channel through? It was the bespectacled wordsmith himself who suggested the pseudonym “Big Al”.

  2. I thought of doing this Al but had some trouble coming up with anything except, “As his career drew to a close people still described his future as ‘promising’. They didn’t wish to hurt his feelings.

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